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We believe mealtimes are a crucial time for our staff and children to socialise, appreciate dietary disciplines and learn good table manners.

The menus, which operate on a 3 weekly cycle, are devised in collaboration with a Paediatric Dietitian and conform to the Caroline Walker Trust’s ( guidelines and standards set out by the Children’s Food Trust ( and the Department for Education ( We are confident this depth of analysis into the menus, and the related ingredients, will offer a balanced, highly nutritious and inventive menu and provide a healthy basis for future dietary patterns.

The kitchen staff involved in preparing the meals have either the Intermediate/Level 2 or 3 Award in Supervising in Food Safety and undertake regular further training, as required.

As always, we will cater for all food allergies, food intolerances and cultural/religious diets and can provide a full contents menu listing all ingredients contained within each dish as well as an easy reference allergy guide.

We are happy to have parents eat lunch with us, so just let us know when you want to come so we can make the necessary arrangements.

To see a sample menu, please click here.